PMU and Microblading Licensing Rules and Regulations by State
Please note that these statutes are subject to change and modification. The Society does not warrant the accuracy or status of either the statutes or regulations. Anyone examining this site should review their own state statutes or regulations for information. These statutes and regulations may not be reviewed for content or accuracy. Publication of this information is educational only and does not constitute legal advice.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Alabama regulates permanent makeup as body art, so for microblading business, you need to have a tattoo license and a body art license for the facility where you work. Also, it is up to each county’s health department to issue licenses and permits.
Permanent makeup licensing and regulations vary from state to state and even from county to county. Contact your local and state Health Department for all the information.
1. Alabama Department of Public Health Structural Guidelines For Body Art Facilities.
2. Alabama Rules For Body Art Practice and Facilities.
Given the variability in permanent makeup regulations across states and counties, it's recommended to reach out to your local and state Health Department. Stay informed about the specific requirements applicable to your area.
Microblading Guidelines in Alaska: Your Path to Compliance
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading - NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Microblading Licensing and Regulations in Alaska are regulated by the Board of Barbers and hairdressers. You must be a licensed tattooist/permanent cosmetic colorist to practice microblading in Alaska.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
Arizona does not have any regulations and licensing requirements for permanent makeup business.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In Arkansas, you also need to take an apprenticeship exam. You have to complete at least 375 hours of hands-on apprenticeship in 6 months and then do a practical exam with the Department of Health
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
California requires a practitioner license through the health department, as well as a business license and microblading certificate.
Permanent makeup license requirements vary from county to county, so you should contact the local health department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – YES
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
Apprenticeship – 132 hours of apprenticeship
Colorado requires an accredited 132 h permanent makeup course. For more information about microblading regulations in Colorado, please contact Colorado Health Department and Barber & Cosmetology Department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In order to become a licensed microblading technician in Connecticut, you need to obtain a tattoo license, issued by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
You need a body art establishment license to get a microblading license in Delaware. For more information, contact the oversight body Delaware Department of Health.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In Florida, you need to pass the Bloodborne Pathogens Course and submit for your tattoo license. You need to list a place where you will be working to get the tattoo establishment license.
To get a tattoo license to practice microblading in Florida, you need to contact the Florida Department of Health. Laws and regulations are prone to changes and can be different for every county. It is important to get informed by the local Health Department about the requirements for a microblading license in your area.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Regarding microblading license in Georgia, you only have to have a State & County Tattoo/Body art License to practice microblading. No esthetician or cosmetology license required.
Contact the Georgia Department of Public Health to get all the information about the state requirements for microblading license, as well as the local health department, because the requirements can be different in different counties.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In order to practice microblading in Hawaii, you need to obtain a tattoo license which is issued by the sanitation branch of the Department of Health of Hawaii.
Idaho does not have any regulations and licensing requirements for permanent makeup business yet.
Please note that microblading laws and regulations vary by state and by county, so you should always check with the local and state Health Department first.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
Microblading license and regulations in Illinois require a state tattoo license and you must work in a licensed facility. For more information on obtaining a body art establishment license visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website.
Laws and regulations are prone to changes and can be different for every county. It is important to get informed by the local Health Department about the requirements for a microblading license in your area.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In Indiana, some counties require a local license for body art, so you need to contact the local Health Department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Iowa requires a tattoo license to practice microblading as well as working in a licensed tattoo establishment. For more information and conditions for obtaining a license, visit Iowa Department of Public Health.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In Kansas, microblading and permanent makeup is regulated by the Kansas Board of Cosmetology and you can find all the requirements for a microblading license here.
Kansas law requires that each applicant for Kansas Board of Cosmetology licensure be a high school graduate or have attained the “equivalent thereof.”
You must submit the application provided by the Kansas Board of Cosmetology and meet the following criteria:
• 1,200 hours of training, under the direct supervision of a licensed trainer in a licensed establishment;
• Verification of at least 50 completed procedures for body art services provided by the apprentice during the training by submitting the completed Body Art Apprentice Client Logs;
• An official transcript of your high school graduation or GED directly from the issuing party;
• The apprentice must provide verification of completion of eight (8) hours of Board-approved training in blood-borne pathogens;
• You will be required to take the State Board exams. Once compliance is determined you will be contacted regarding examination fees and scheduling of the exam;
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In order to practice microblading in Kentucky, you need to apply for a tattoo license, issued by Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Always check on state, county, and city level, as local regulations may exist even if there is no state-level regulation.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
In Louisiana, you have to be inspected and get an operator license from the tattoo board.
Visit the Louisiana Department of Health for all the info, links, and applications as well as the official state article with specifics.
Laws and regulations are prone to changes and can be different for every county. It is important to get informed by the local Health Department about the requirements for a microblading license in your area.
Find all the information about microblading licensure and regulations in Maine on the Division of Environmental and Community Health website.
To practice microblading in Maine, you need a license issued by their Department of Health and Human Services. However, a person enrolled in a program of training to become a micropigmentation practitioner may perform micropigmentation in the course of that training, but only under the direct supervision of a licensed micropigmentation practitioner.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
According to the Maryland Department of Labor, cosmetic tattooing is prohibited in salons in Maryland. However, you need to check with your local oversight body, usually the Department of Health, since every county/city can propose its own laws.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In the state of Massachusetts, you need to complete 100 hours of training by an AAM board-certified instructor in order to practice microblading. You also need 9 apprenticeship works under AAM licensed technician. However, these rules vary and every county/city has its own regulations. Some of them even require a cosmetology license. Therefore, you should always contact the local Health Department first.
For more information about Massachusetts laws and regulations, click here.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Michigan does not require a cosmetology license and only some counties require the artist to carry a permit. You will need a tattoo establishment license for the facility you work in. Contact your local health department to find out about the requirements for an establishment license.
For more information about microblading license regulations in Michigan click here.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
For all the information about getting your microblading license MN, visit the Minnesota Department of Health. It is important to know that laws and regulations for microblading business vary from county to county and you should always check with the local Health Department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Mississippi doesn’t require a cosmetology or esthetician license. However, you do have to have a tattoo license. To get that, you have to apply for the tattoo license at the Health Department and work for a minimum of 9 months under another licensed tattoo artist.
You should always check the local Health Department because microblading regulations vary by county. For more information about getting your body art license to practice microblading in Mississippi, visit the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In Missouri, you need a Bloodborne Pathogen Training and an apprenticeship of 300 hours in order to get your tattoo license and practice microblading. This depends on the county, so check the laws with your local Health Department.
Visit the following websites to find out more about getting a tattoo license to practice microblading in Missouri.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
The state of Montana requires a body art license for everyone who wants to practice microblading legally. For more information, please check the Montana Department of Health and Services. Also, laws and regulations vary by county, so check with your local Health Department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – NO
To practice microblading in Nebraska, you need to complete certification training and Bloodborne Pathogens training. These laws
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES (Body Art Card)
There does not appear to be statewide regulation of permanent cosmetics at this time. Check locally for county or city regulations.
In order to practice microblading in Southern Nevada, you need to obtain a body art card which is similar to a tattoo license. Follow this link to meet the requirements and get the body art card. The regulations vary by county, so this may not be the law in every part of Nevada. Check with the local Health Department.
Some parts of Nevada will also require a certain amount of hours under an apprentice to get your body art card.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
You need a tattoo license to practice microblading in New Hampshire.
Find more information here.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In New Jersey, requirements for microblading licensing include completing a permanent makeup course which consists of at least 40 hours of training and is certified by AMM or SPCP. The apprenticeship can be incorporated into the training or be done separately.
Laws and regulations vary by county so always check with the local Health Department. An individual must obtain a License to Operate a Body Art Establishment through the local
health department.
All the information about microblading licensing in New Jersey is in Microblading/Permanent Cosmetics Guidance Document.
Find more useful information here.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
New Mexico requires a permanent cosmetic tattoo license. To obtain a permanent cosmetic tattooing license you must pass a theory and a State Law examination.
To qualify to take these examinations, you must be approved by the New Mexico State Board of Cosmetology.
In New Mexico, you will also need to complete the apprenticeship program with a licensed permanent makeup artist. The number of hours required can vary by county, so it is better to check the local laws and regulations.
You can find all the information here.
Regarding microblading license NYC, New York State leaves it up to the individual counties to come up with their own rules and regulations.
Here is the list of all the counties, find yours and contact them to find out about the requirements.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
State requirements for practicing microblading in North Carolina include obtaining a tattoo license. It is common that counties have their own regulations, and microblading artists must contact them to find out about local requirements in order to obtain microblading license NC.
Microblading is not regulated by the state of North Dakota. Check with the local health department, because some cities and counties have their own specific license requirements.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Contact your local health department to find out about microblading regulations in your city/county. Most counties in Ohio require training with certification and a tattoo license.
In order to legally practice microblading in Oklahoma, check the laws and regulations here and by contacting state and local offices.
Oklahoma requires a PMU license under the Board of Health.
Find out how to become certified in Oklahoma here.
Useful links:
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
In order to practice microblading in Oregon, you need to obtain a tattoo license. Regulations vary by county so you need to contact the local health department first. Also, contact Oregon Health Licensing Office for more information.
In most counties in Oregon, it is required to complete an approved training program of a certain number of hours of an apprenticeship program. The duration of the program depends on the location.
Permanent makeup is unregulated in Pennsylvania. Contact your local county and city offices for more information.
Contact local and state health departments to get more information about the laws and regulations.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Microblading involves the structural alteration of facial tissue, so it requires specialized training and can only be performed under the direction of a physician in South Carolina.
Check with state and local health departments to find out about the microblading regulations in South Carolina.
Useful links:
South Carolina Department of Health
Labor Licensing Regulations
There is no official statewide licensing body at this time. Some counties have their own license requirements. Contact your local health department.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Apprenticeship – 1 YEAR
Contact the state Department of Health to get all the information. Permanent makeup regulations vary by county, so you are obliged to contact the local health department as well.
Useful links:
Licensing of “Microneedling” and “Microblading” Skin Procedures
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Find all the information here: Texas Department of State Health Services.
Microblading regulations can vary by county, so check your local health department.
Permanent makeup is still unregulated in Utah. Check with the health department in your area, because some counties have their own regulations.
Check the local laws, some counties bring their own regulations.
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Find more info here:
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Washington has a “permanent cosmetics” license which is under the body piercing and tattoo section. For more information, visit the Washington State Department of Licensing.
For information about permanent makeup regulations in West Virginia, please visit
Cosmetology or esthetician license for microblading – NO
Bloodborne Pathogen Training – YES
Tattoo License – YES
Visit the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services to get informed about the requirements.
Permanent makeup is not regulated in Wyoming. Some counties and cities have their own specific license requirements. Check with your local county or city officials.